Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Good day :)

First of all, thank you Hwee Seng for bringing the extension wire... xD we REALLY need it so badly... The plug in the class really not enough for us... Look at those photos below... Cool right? xD They were mine, Corn, Yadiy and Steph... Our laptops were all dried up... Luckily we got Hwee Seng... xD

During I&C

For sale? Adidas & Nike...xD

Corn's sexy hairy leg... xD

Me, Corn, Yadiy & Steph... XD

During Maths
Eric and Sya were kinda drunk... This was what they did in the class... Decorating Bunny... xD So adorable right? xD

Poor phone... :(
This is how my phone look like right now... :( poor phone... It's so hard to press dy...
Should I be happy cause I can get a new phone? or should I be sad about it?
Anyway, it's time for new one right? :)
hahahahahaha... xD

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