Friday, June 17, 2011

Busy Bee

Finally have some time to blog about my days after such a long period...
well, these few weeks are the most busy time I ever had so far... 4 Assignments... Have to pass up everything in this week and next week... then followed by final exam... wow... Can I take a break and breathe for a while? :O
Sleepless nights for almost a week... Did the assignments til midnight... Stress and pimples... AHH! Go away!
The class is getting tension... and I don't like it... I still prefer the way it was during the weeks when we're all busy with the magazine... (week 4 to 7) That was the time I enjoyed the most... We had so much fun together plus we hang out more during that time... Now, everyone prefer to stay at campus to finish their work... hmm...
We're going to separate in 2 to 3 weeks time... I DON'T WANT! T.T... I seriously want to be in the same class with you guys again! :'(
Happy + Sad + Mad + !@#$%^&* + Stress (feelings mixed up at one go) this happens almost everyday... :(

The effect of not having enough sleep... Sleep in the class the next day... xD

p/s : Told you so by Jesse McCartney <3 All time favourite :D

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