Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Hope is always there :')

"Sometimes you can't see it or feel it. Sometimes hope seems far away. Often the difficulties you face make it seem as if hope has abandoned you. But hope never leaves. It is always there, ready for you to embrace."

I just received this from the "God wants you to know" apps in facebook. It just appeared at the right time. :) I love this apps cause whenever I'm down, I will received a very inspiring message from this apps. everyday. and it always appears to be cheering me up from the problem that i'm facing. coincident? well, I believe that it's more to be like "it's really from God". :)
I have to be honest that few months ago I started to have doubt about HIM and this religion. cause from what I've seen makes me have doubt on HIM. I dislike the fact that lots of the people in there are saying bad things about other religions and saying that only "C" is good. well, I strongly disagree with that... not that I disagree with believing in "C" but cause I feel like if you love your religion, others love theirs too. so why do you have to keep on saying others are bad while yours is the only good one? and how will you feel if others were insulting your religion? I feel like they just giving wrong teaching to the people and overdo it... but anyway, it just how i feel... Everyone has their right to believe in what they believe... so do i... I only believe in God... not the people... so I still love God! <3 :)
He is always there to pull me up & cheers me up when I'm in a misery and feeling like I cannot go through this. For a period of time I thought He has left me... But I was wrong! He didn't! and He will never! He will always be there for people who believe in HIM. :') I'm very thankful and grateful that I've met you! You've shown me lots of impossible are possible... THANK YOU! <3 :')
Thank you God for being there for me all the time... Praise the God! :) <3

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