Tuesday, April 5, 2011

It's Tuesday =)

Class ended at 11.30... Went to grandmom's place after class... And my couz(Selina) was going to make a gift for her friend.. So we went to The Spring.... Me, Selina & Rachel... We walked there... I thought it was going to be near cause it looked near but actually... IT WASN'T! == We walked under the hot sun and sweat hell lot when we reached Spring... I even got blisters on my feet... great...

Lunch... Porridge...

The girls were still hungry after lunch... Well, they were starring at the little insect on the table... It LOVE sushi! LOL

The best photo of the day...
She was so concerned about the gift...

At grandmom's place... Photos taken by Jessie and Rachel...
The piglet.... LOL xD

I did this... the back looks okay... but the front... hmm...

3 braids all together in one...

Then me & sis went to Novus for dinner after she picked me up from work...

That's all for my day! =)

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