Saturday, April 2, 2011

Bad Mood

Man! I'm so pissed off today... Driving... gah... Driving me crazy... I hate driving... I prefer to be a passenger like FOREVER... *provided there's people who would like to bring me around* Driving will always turns to a hard thing when the instructor is impatient about you... For me, if you lose patient on me, I will lose my mood in driving and that's affecting my driving skills... What I need is a person who can explain EVERYTHING clearly to me... Step by step... Not keep on talking but yet I don't understand a thing... After all, I began from a ZERO kay... I don't even know a thing about driving... And as a driver, we mustn't always depends on the instructor... We have to learn every single pieces by ourselves... I mean in the way you step the clutch and break thingy... You have to feel it yourself or else you won't know how hard you should step on them... I really HATE the clutch! wtf... It's so stupid! HATE it to hell! I thought i would be a fun thing but I guess I was wrong... It's getting annoying and turn out in the way that I never expect it would be... That's life...
Though I hate driving, but still there will always be sometimes that I really hope I know how to drive... That's when I wanna go to some places and none of them wanna drive you there... ==
Why is living so hard? Dilemma in the entire life...
Mum said most of the instructors are like that... Most of them are impatient... And dad said some of them even worse... Some may yell at you with bad words and scolding you stupid... MAN! COME ONE! Not everyone knows how to drive once they are born kay... Everyone learns... As well as you.... ==

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