Friday, January 21, 2011


Michelle Lau
Shirleen Kam

They are my closest friends during these two weeks of MPW... Plus Elaine... Mid-Term Exam is next week... I'm so freaking out because I have to memories everything and finish the undone assignments... Yeah. The challenges just about to start... That's uni...
Basically today is as usual... Lectures for Moral Studies and Malaysian Studies... But something special happened this morning before I went to uni... I was on my way to sis's working place... I saw him... hmm... Actually not him, it's only the car... I can't barely see him... His car was just in front of mine.... This time me heart pumped very fast again... That happens whenever I see him... Yea... That's something special for me since I haven't see him for months... That's all... good night! =)

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