Friday, July 9, 2010

Save the trees

Man. I seriously need some time for movies. I swear I'm going to watch like hell after SPM. It's 4 months until SPM. It really scared me. I still haven't start me revision yet. Time is so pack.
Btw, I just got the news that we're still having 2 more exams before SPM or maybe 3, include Pra. 2th August til 13th August (Month Exam), 19th August til 3 Sept (Pra). which means the next whole month will be full of Exam. wth.
I'm not pretty sure whether we're going to sit for the October Exam or not. But if yes, then I'm sure stress out! I seriously need to start my revision SOON! There's not much time left.
Til then.

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