Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Cold One

I'm the blood sucker. Beware of me. Stay away!
Yea. xD That's what happened so far.
Went for painting at school yesterday afternoon for the National Day thingay. Got myself painted too... == To make it nicer, I drew a flower on my knee. as you can see. At first, I thought it was going to be wipe off easily as long as there's Thinner. But who knows, It's not as what I expected. The thinner was Fxxxing painful. As hot as the skin was burning. I was shouting with Kiki as two of us were so nuts to put so much on our hands. What the... We put our hands in the running water to cool down ourselves. It really feel better after all. Not painful anymore.
so yea, that's the only special thing happened this week. I guess. Nothing much as everyday is with the same routine.
Til then.
muaks <3

*I'm not easy to please. I might tear you apart!*

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