Monday, May 14, 2012

God I pray for my boyfriend... Future boyfriend :)

"Dear Lord in heaven, I come before you asking for direction, divine guidance. My Holy Father I'm in love with a boy but I need your approval. I need to know if this is the person you want me to be with, if this is the person you desire for me? Father God only You can see his heart and his intentions, everything seems perfect but is it? Is he truly a godly man, does he love you above all, does he honor You when I'm not around? Lord, only You can see my future so I put my trust in You. If this relationship is Your will, make it flourish, make it grow, strengthen it to withstand the test of time. But if this relationship is not Your will, reveal it to us in a clear way our hearts cannot deny. I don't want to make a mistake, I don't want to get hurt, I don't want to be out of step with Your Will. "God, I pray for my boyfriend." Amen."


Pethrine said...

ouh dear~ <3 u wrote this...?
so sweet...

Sharon said...

I'll pray for you too ;)