Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Movie Day - Incidious

Went for movie with friends after class. This was my first time went for ghost movie at cinema. I never went for this kind of movie at cinema. I don't dare to watch. But since my friends wanted, I just follow them. well, to be honest, the movie is nice... though it's scary...
I screamed a lot in the room. Half is because of the movie and the other half is because of my friends. They knew I was scared, so they purposely scared me. They said it was fun to scare me... nice friends huh? ==
I missed some scary parts of the movie since I covered my eyes. haha... especially those close-up of the scary faces. My legs were shivering when I came out. I'm serious.
After that, Steph drove me, Eric, Jess & Naz to OneTJ since Eric said he wanna get a new hard disc. I kinda like OneTJ. So IT place. Lots of cool gadgets. :D
Went home at eve after dropping Naz, Jess & Eric at campus.
Fun day? ;p

After movie...

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