Thursday, November 4, 2010

Imma stressed

I'm so desserts now. (Read the desserts from the back) My pimples are getting more on my forehead and even my face. gah. damn it. hmm... I didn't go to school this morning cause I don't feel like going anyway. I want to have study leave from now on. But the school never have such thing. I really prefer staying at home, doing my revision. School is not a good place to study. I mean revision. Everyone is chatting and fooling around. The noises are everywhere.
I know I should enjoy spending time with my friends since high school life is going to end soon. But I just don't feel that way right now. Why? well, half is because of SPM and the half is because of something really sucks which happened lately. What I can say is I ONLY finally know her since this Monday. (We've know each other since Primary one) Not only her but also him. Pity huh? I hate their attitudes. The way they react to each other. ew. Just so different from the usual her and him. Both of them had totally forgot about their friends when they met each others. wth. Not that I'm jealous. Just because I couldn't stand it anymore. Everyone of us has noticed her and his changes. We kept on discussing about that. Well, if you like him why don't you just tell him? If you like her why don't you just tell her too? Why do you have to keep that from each other? urgh. I seriously cannot understand the way they handle their relationship / friendship. I don't want to talk about this anymore. It just make me angrier each time I think about it.
Let's get back to what I stressed for. I'm so scared of SPM. It's two weeks away from now you know?!? gosh. TWO WEEKS! 24/7 is just never enough for me anymore. I still have lots of study to do before exam. So, bye. Have to continue with my study again. Cheers =)


gary said...

life is a cycle.. it goes up n down without any of ur expectation and without informing you about their altitude of circling. bare with all the stress and tension u are facing it right now. this is the stage where most of us have to go through.
friend... what does it mean actually.. no one could ever answer this and it will never have an absolute answer on this. what they are doing, let them happen and let it be a page of history in ur life. 'they' make u grown up. no matter is 10 yrs or 20 yrs of friendship, somehow someday,again without ur expectation, it will breaks off and someone new will be sneaking into ur life again. Sing, be what u should what u think is right. whatever that makes u feel comfortable, just go ahead with it... peace up!

KaySing Liew said...

wow! So touch! =)
Thanks! you really can encourage people. Make me feel warm