Friday, October 1, 2010

What a day

As you can see from the title... What a day! yea. That's how I feel now. Everything goes wrong today. From noon until now. gosh. I hate it! I bet no one likes it. My fire is seriously burning STRONGLY now! Where to start with about the miserable day?
Well, as usual, went to tuition this afternoon. But something different was the weather. It rained cats and dogs. Seriously, it's super duper heavy. At first it wasn't that bad, it only rained like few droplets. But after a while, it rained hell heavy as if it's going to flood. Anyway, as me and my friends were on the way to tuition, the stupid umbrellas stared to make us worse. The rain dropped on us through the umbrellas. I don't know how cause I can't find the holes. But yea. It did. We felt like there is nothing different between using it and without using it since we're totally, completely, absolutely, fully W-E-T! What the heck. Somemore, I was freaking cool in the class since I was wearing the wet clothes and the air-conditional was blowing towards me. =.=
On the other hand, I don't know why I'm so angry at night. I was in a total bad mood without any reasons. Moody the whole night. Don't even feel like talking. My mouth was like there's gold inside. Hard to open and talk.
I hate myself. I always feel like it's so unfair. I never get whatever I've thought of. Real! No kidding. It's not those luxuries that you may think. What I mean is whenever I think of something, it will never happen. Have you ever feel that way? Well, I feel it all the time. Every second in my life. For example, I think that she will comes today and she'll sit there and so on. But later, she is not coming. This is not a coincident. I've proved it for times. Whenever some random thoughts flashed through my mind randomly then I started to think about it. Just when I thought about it, things changed. Probably it's going to happen but when I thought of it, it won't happen anymore. This is super weird. I don't know how to explain. I just feel that way. Everything that I thought of always come the other way round. I SUPER HATE IT! >/

Here's another story starts :
To be honest, I still can't forget about him. I know it may sounds silly that I felt that way since we never be together. But at least he's someone that I ever fell for. Every time I look at him, my heart still pumping hard. But recently, I felt mad when I saw him. I don't know why. I'm so weird. My feelings change easily without control. I felt like crying when I saw him with her. Broken hearted to be exact. That's stupid. I know. And I know that he likes her so much if not why will they be together? Plus, I know that we can't force someone to like us when he's not. Furthermore, I'm not the kind of girl that will fight for the love. cause I know that I'm not perfect. I think that the guy that I liked is perfect, so he deserve a perfect girl too. Not someone like me. I'll always let go when I know that he found his love. Though it's hurt but it's better to see him smiling all the time rather than down. Sometimes, giving is better than receiving.
Most of the time, I wish that god will take parts of my memories away include things about him. I wish to delete it clearly from my head. I need bigger spaces for my studies not for him. I just wish that when I see him, I'll feel like he's just someone who passed by in my life. Someone who is not important. Someone that I've never meet. Like total stranger.

You know what? It's OCTOBER! I better get on my revision. I don't want to make myself regret in future.

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