Thursday, September 9, 2010

Let's move it!

Michelle asked me to go for movie randomly this afternoon. I was like yeah. So we went there around 2 with Rachel and Alvin. At first we thought to watch Vampire Suck which most of them said it's such a stupid one. Alvin said he watched it dy so we decided to have other movie. We chose Step Up 3D. Man! It was damn cool! It's really worth. They dance... They pop... They're awesome! While watching the movie, you'll feel like move you body and dance along with them. They really have the energy to make you dance with them. wow... so great! =D
Anyway, I also went to KBox with my friends yesterday. They celebrated my birthday there. (Didn't celebrate it on the actual day because of the mock exam) We sang hell crazy. I wondered the people passed by the room saw us or not. =p It's really embarrassing if they did. This is my very first time went to some place like this. I can tell, I don't pretty like the atmosphere there. Kinda.... What we called that.... "messy"? I could smell the cigarettes when I first step in. Somemore, the people next door smoke like hell smelly. The smell went through the tube or whatever it was into our room. and so we sucked in their smoke. Ew. That's gross. Anyway, I had a wonderful time with my friends. =) Thanks guys. muaks.
Btw, the SS seminar ended this noon too. owh. How fast the time passed. It was still like the first day of it. We're still enjoying the jokes from Mr.Lee. Did the revision of Form 4 Physics and Chemistry which seems peculiar to me. Now we only left about a week plus holiday which I think it's not enough to do ALL the revision. Shoot! Screw it. I'm so not satisfied with my result this time though most of it improved. But still the result is sucks. I want more A. hmm. No. Should be A+! Fight for it girl! I know you can do it! Just believe in yourself! GO! GO! GO! =)
I guess that's all from me.

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