Wednesday, April 1, 2009

PBSM > KRS > PBSM again...

Horny Topics! xD
Crazy girls... We're trying to be fan... Turning... Turning... and Turning...
These are the videos that we're having fun while marching and chatting together while the time of PBSM... =)
OMG! OMG! OMG! argh......
We're changing to KRS!
Just now stayed at school for marching... as usual... But suddenly, the teacher came and told us that we had to change PBSM moves to KRS moves... KRS uniform... KRS hukuman... and...... KRS EVERYTHING! due to some reasons... gah... Suddenly want to change all of our moves to the moves which are opposite to ours... Do you think we can remembere and make it in such a short period... The competition is only 3 weeks from now! O.0
But I still belive that WE CAN! Because we're PBSM! =D
After the competition, then we have to change back to PBSM again... For our sport day marching... =.= terrible... I scared that once we already get use to KRS moves... We forget PBSM moves already... cause the date of our sport day is so close to the competition... So we have to change back to PBSM in short period again... and again... wow!
Are we supermen or superwomen??? oh! *fainted*
okay... Okay... just trust ourselve that we can do it! YES! WE CAN!

xxx K Sing xxx

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